Nomad Theatre Presents “The Warehouse Plays”
Date & Time
Saturday, May 4, 2024
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
On May 4, you are invited to our inaugural season announcement party, featuring a performance of The Warehouse Plays presented at the Slugfactory which is the site of Katamco LLC: Nomad Theatre’s mission is to present site-specific plays in and around the BN community. Six local playwrights visited the Katamco warehouse and wrote plays specifically designed for this space. May 4 is the special season announcement and silent auction followed by The Warehouse Plays. Sunday May 5 The Warehouse Plays are presented again without the party and auction.
Tickets open to the public by April 4.
Pioneer donors receive early access to ticket sales!! https://nomadtheatre.org/donate
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