Home, Lawn, and Garden Day 2024
Make your garden glow with educational classes, inspirational speakers, and horticulture treasures from a variety of exceptional businesses and organizations at the 22nd Annual Home, Lawn, and Garden Day sponsored by University of Illinois Extension McLean County Master Gardeners. This event will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Saturday, March 2 at Central Catholic High School in Bloomington. Registration is now open!
Attendees will attend four educational presentations on trending horticulture topics. Keynote speaker, Daria McKelvey, Supervisor at Kemper Center for Home Gardening at Missouri Botanical Garden, will inspire us all to create landscapes with year-long interest and beauty as we explore a collection of plants that thrive in Illinois. A midwestern garden filled with year-round interest is challenging as plants must tolerate humid summers, varying weather, and your soil. Finding the right plant for the right place creates a succession of eye-catching colors and textures in all four seasons. Gardeners deserve a garden that works as hard as they do!
A $35 registration fee includes workshops, vendors and exhibitors, light mid-morning refreshments, and door prizes. For more information and to register online, please visit us at go.illinois.edu/HLGD. Registration is open now through February 19 but remember to register early as workshops fill fast! For more information about the event, please contact us at the University of Illinois Extension McLean County Office at 309-663-8306.