French Creoles of The Illinois Country: Fiddle Jigs, Creole Folktales and Haunting Ballads
Fiddler and educator, Dennis Stroughmatt, will take audiences on a journey of discovery where they will hear the history of this group’s arrival, the French dialects still spoken, and the unique music still performed in the old “Illinois Country.” Perhaps most importantly, through story and song, including a performance of local French “fiddling” on violin and sing-a-longs, audiences will have fun learning how the Illinois French serve as a time capsule for their cousins to the north and south—those in Canada and Louisiana.
This program is presented through Illinois Humanities Road Scholars Speakers Bureau. Illinois Humanities is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy Demands Wisdom and the Illinois General Assembly [through the Illinois Arts Council Agency], as well as by contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations.
This is a Normal Public Library event. Register to attend on our website.