Bloomington Polar Plunge
Thank you for Being Cool and taking the Plunge! You are supporting the Special Olympic Illinois athletes across the state, helping to provide them with life-changing programing. This includes year-round training and competition, as well as leadership, personal development, and health education opportunities.
Join Speical Olympics Illinois at Miller Park Lake for the Bloomington Polar Plunge. Come out in your Plunge costume, with all your friends and family members to Plunge with you or cheer you on as you are freezing for a reason! Come be part of the fun!
Tentative Schedule:
9:00am Registration inside Miller Park Pavillion
10:30am First wave of plungers
12:00pm Second wave of plungers
After you plunge meet us at the Post Plunge Party at Lil’ Beaver Brewery!
For more information visit https://plungeillinois.com/