More than 75 cars from the 1900s through the 1980s will be displayed on the mansion grounds from 10am to 3pm. Visitors can stroll through the amazing collection of vintage vehicles on display.
They can view the cars up close, talk with the owners, and meet fellow automobile enthusiasts. All vintage automobiles are invited to participate in a “Parade of Progress” around the mansion drive at approximately 2pm.
Concessions (TBA) will be available for purchase.
Self-guided tours of the mansion will be offered, and mansion guides will be on hand to answer questions. The Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions about Sarah’s Garden.
The event is co-sponsored by the McLean County Antique Automobile Club and the David Davis Mansion Foundation. A donation of $5 per adult is suggested. Children are free.
Note: Come back to the mansion at 4pm for a performance of the 33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band!